Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Arizona
The Voice of Public Safety in Arizona
Our Mission
This Association shall be a free and voluntary organization, composed of law enforcement officers employed in the State of Arizona. The objectives of the Association are to preserve and strengthen comradeship among its members; to improve the wages, to increase job security; to better the working conditions and living conditions of its members and their families; to promote interests of its members and their families; to defend and extend democratic institutions and procedures and civil rights and liberties of its members and their families; and to maintain true allegiance and faith in the laws of the State of Arizona and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Our Goals
The mission of our association is to support those brave men and women that constitute our membership by assisting them in their times of need, providing legal representation, ensuring fair & equitable treatment, advocating for job security and fair and decent pay and benefits. By banding together to accomplish our common mission we seek to provide more security for our membership and further advancement of our stated goals.
Our Leadership
Jason Winsky | Board Chairman
Brian Armbruster | Vice Chairman
John Herold | Secretary
Jobe Dickinson | Treasurer
Michael Storie | Lead Legal Counsel
Michelle Doggett | Administrative Assistant
CLEAA Strives to:
Maintain a balanced budget with an emphasis on optimizing the core services, and improve the savings plan so that in future years the reserve account can become an investment asset.
Focus on all Statewide legislative & National congressional issues to maintain the best interests of our members.
Develop legislative outreach to our affiliate association members so that we can provide support on local-level issues.
Be responsive to changing membership needs that adapt to and benefit the majority by following change process as outlined in the bylaws.
Reduce overhead of office spaces and improve our stakeholder outreach by rotating our board meeting locations.
Provide and administer a legal plan that is second to none.
Educate members on provided benefits, CLEAA’s mission and goals through various mediums such as at meetings, through trustees and our website.
Promote CLEAA Association membership through solid branding, ensuring a clear marketing message to the community and politicians.

Our Members
Tucson Police Officers Association
Arizona Probation Officers Association
Pima County Probation Officers Association
Sheriff's Labor Association of Pima County
Sierra Vista Police Officers Association
Cochise County Law Enforcement Association
Tucson Police Captains, Lieutenants, and Associates Association